What people are saying about Denine...
An honest depiction of what it's like to rear a severely disabled child... I cried throughout several parts. No matter what season of life you're in, this book is sure to inspire hope. I couldn't put it down and am now re-reading for the second time. A keeper for sure!
- Amazon Customer It was the description of this story which initially attracted me. Chris Forster tells the story of her eldest daughter, Denine, in a factual, apparently dispassionate, manner. Yet there is no doubt of her passionate love for her daughter. She is honest in relating how having a ‘severely disabled child’ affected her, her family, her marriage and her trust and faith in God. She admits to bouts of sorrow, depression and despair but also the joy of realizing God had chosen her to be a mother to a special child . Yet this is not a depressing story. Chris’s great love for Denine comes through each page and incident. And when she finally realizes that she needs to give everything over to God, Chris, herself, experiences God’s love and peace.
Never having had a disabled child, I knew I could not understand the trials and trauma that parents of a special needs child undergo, so reading this story was, in part, to educate myself. The other reason for reading the story was to learn more about God’s mercy and grace. I was not disappointed on either count. Is this book great literature? No. Is it worth reading. Definitely. - Mary Hosmaron, Amazon Customer |
Denine touched my heart. As a mom of a special needs son it gaver me courage to keep holding on through the rough times when you feel you just cannot do it.
It was heartwarming seeing the baby steps that Chris took to become one of trusting The Lord and giving all to him. Trusting through the good and not so good. Ken, Chris’s husband has a hard time dealing with the disabilities that Denine has an distances himself to later though becoming a Christian. Denine will really touch your life. She touched mine. It will make you cry so get your kleenex out. You will know Denine through the eyes, words and Denine’s life through her mother. Thank you Chris for sharing your precious Denine. I do hope your story will touch others the way it has touched mine. - Gee Lucero Dixon, Amazon Customer Truly inspiring book. A honest heart-felt read about a mother's journey of raising a child with disabilities. The loneliness, despair and difficult decisions are shared by this family. Quite an eye-opener!
- Patricia Fergus, Amazon Customer I found this book to be profoundly honest, blessings to you and your family for sharing your journey and your heart.
- Amazon Customer |